Amsterdam Network for Food Planning

The Amsterdam Network for Food Planning is an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional platform for students, young professionals, scholars and citizens who are interested in the future of food in Amsterdam. We aim to build bridges between the worlds of practice, academia and civil society in order to address the challenge of sustainably feeding Amsterdam’s increasing population.
Means to achieve our aim are:
1. building a research and education network for food policy for scientists, students, policymakers, entrepreneurs and concerned citizens;
2. advising students and staff members in drawing up lists of policy-relevant research topics;
3. providing references to relevant studies in the gray circuit (theses, websites, brochures), contacts for interviews, data and academic articles;
4. organizing (both physical and digital) lectures and seminars on current relevant academic studies;
5. communicating the activities via social media, including the Food Council MRA website.
ANFP will hold meetings year round that will focus on a wide range of food disciplines such as sustainable food planning, food governance, food technology and urban agriculture. The end of our meetings are set aside for networking activities where participants can form relationships that will be catalysts for the multi-faceted transformation of Amsterdam’s future food system.
The platform was founded in 2015 under the patronage of the Amsterdam Institute for Metropolitan Studies (AMS). In 2020, the ANFP will be included within the Food Council MRA as an academic branch of the organization. Our network is based on collaborations with researchers from Amsterdam Institute for Metropolitan Studies, Wageningen University & Research, Delft University of Technology, University of Amsterdam and and and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
The language of instruction at ANFP meetings is English.
Contact: amsterdamnetwork4foodplanning@gmail.com